Commissioner Mario Dion reports on administration of Conflict of Interest Act in 2018-2019

Ottawa, June 3, 2019

Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion's annual report on his administration of the Conflict of Interest Act was tabled today in Parliament.

In it, Commissioner Dion outlines his Office's activities and performance in 2018-2019, his first full fiscal year as Commissioner. He notes the progress that has been made in improving education and outreach, providing clear and consistent advice to public office holders, achieving greater transparency and conducting investigations in a timely manner. He also notes the work that remains to be done and some areas of focus for the current fiscal year.

The 2018-2019 annual report is available here.


In 2018-2019, the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner:

  • provided advice to public office holders in 2,066 instances;
  • updated 12 information notices;
  • gave 30 presentations, reaching a total of 314 participants;
  • participated in 14 interviews with journalists;
  • established 18 compliance measures and required 55 reporting public office holders to divest their controlled assets;
  • reviewed 39 concerns about a potential contravention of the Act;
  • issued 5 examination reports under the Act; and
  • issued 16 administrative monetary penalties.


  • "The regimes administered by our Office reflect what are, in my view, the four pillars common to all effective conflict of interest regimes: accountability, transparency, fairness and consistency. With these imperatives in mind, our Office strives to continuously improve the way we administer the Act." – Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion
  • "Significant progress has been made in the past year within the Office to embrace new technologies that better enable a more rigorous and consistent application of our advice for public office holders. We will continue to push forward in exploring how technology can facilitate education and compliance." – Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion

Additional Facts

  • The Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner is required to present two separate annual reports to Parliament on the Office's activities by June 30 each year. One annual report relates to the administration of the Conflict of Interest Act, and the other to the administration of the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons.

  • Commissioner Mario Dion's annual report in respect of the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons will be tabled next week. 
  • In support of Commissioner Dion's commitment to making the Office and its work as transparent as possible, the Office also releases quarterly statistical reports.
  • The Office publishes accountability reports which include annual and quarterly financial statements, and proactive disclosure of the Commissioner's expenses related to travel and hospitality and of the Office's contracts over $10,000.

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