The public registry contains information that Members are required to publicly disclose under the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons, including their Disclosure Summaries and public statements relating to gifts or other benefits, sponsored travel and material changes.
Within 60 days after notice of their election is published in the Canada Gazette, Members must file with the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner a confidential Disclosure Statement describing their private interests and those of family members. A Disclosure Summary is prepared and placed in the public registry. Each Disclosure Statement is reviewed at least once a year and updated if necessary. If there are no changes to the information that Members are required to make public, no new Disclosure Summary is required; the most recent one remains valid. Members are required to sign a new Disclosure Summary after each election.
The registry contains information for current Members only. Once an individual ceases to be a Member, their information is removed from the registry and is no longer available from the Office.
When a Parliament is dissolved, triggering a general election, Members of the House of Commons are no longer considered Members, so their information is removed from the registry. After the election, information for new and re-elected Members is posted in the registry when they complete the initial compliance process under the Code. The Members' Compliance Status Report provides information about where each Member is in the initial compliance process. It is updated as required, and more frequently after general elections.