List of Sponsored Travel 2017 released

Ottawa, March 27, 2018 

Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion has released the List of Sponsored Travel 2017, which reflects travel that Members of the House of Commons took in the 2017 calendar year. It includes a supplement reflecting changes to the List of Sponsored Travel from previous years for declarations that were received after the filing deadline. The List of Sponsored Travel 2017 was tabled today in the House of Commons.

This list is prepared annually, as required under subsection 15(3) of the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons, and presented to the Speaker of the House of Commons by March 31 of each year.

Members are required, under subsection 15(1), to disclose to the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner any travel the costs of which exceed $200 and are not wholly paid from the Consolidated Revenue Fund or by the Members personally, their political parties or any parliamentary association recognized by the House.

To view the List of Sponsored Travel 2017, please click here.

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